Sunday, 4 October 2015

Day 09 - vigorous cleaning

Today my keloid remained the same as yesterday.
My keloid is rock solid, no pain when you squeeze it. I am able to sleep carefully on it, even though it is clearly hanging off a piece of skin now. [I was hoping it'll fall of in my sleep this way... However, it did not]

These pictures are showing just how close it is to falling off.
I had just finished cleaning it.

 I had a shower and ran my ear under the water for as much of my shower possible. This will allow the injury to soften up so that when you clean it, all the unnecessary gunk will come off easier. One my shower was done, I used a clean cotton bud to dry the area. I would roll the q-tip over the area. Then I would clean around the actual hanging keloid in a way that will weaken the remaining base. I do this in the hopes that it'll pop off without pain.

I decided to check to see if I can fall off by tugging on it gently. I twisted it one way until pain occurred (not a major pain, just enough to ensure myself it wasn't ready to come off). Then i'd twist it the other way in the same manner. No luck. But I did manage to loosen it up from one end. so it's hanging even more that yesterday. Nearly there. I didn't tighten the string. I forgot to, but I'm not fussed. Waiting game... tick tock.

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