My snug piercing fell out on its own without my knowing. Ever since, the feeling I thought felt like a "keloid stump" was actually just my snug piercing. The keloid has never resurfaced, I did not touch my ear since I removed my keloid the second time and it has healed beautifully in my opinion.
I said I'd wear the pressure earring, but I didn't. I wore it for 3 days max and I just got fed up with how it clutched my ear. My keloid was on the cartilage part that doesn't want to be crunched flat. I didn't keep up with the aloe vera application, I didn't get tea tree oil or any kind of oil at that. I didn;t do anything fancy. I carry on with my daily routines. I didn't pay my keloid free ear any special attention.
The ear is a normal ear. It's not sensitive, it's not sore when bumped or bent or slept on. I can say it feels as if I've never had a keloid on this ear. The only evidence it left is the scar that is faint but still there. I'm blessed that it hasn't resurfaced, but it did take the second time round for me to be where I am.
Will be back for a personal keloid history lesson. lol